25 June, 2014

Snapshot: Independence

Snapshot posts are short little posts covering a very small topic that mostly consist of ramblings. ENJOY!
Photo Credit: Raelynn Brouwn, 2010

I've been thinking a lot about independence recently. With Keith moving into my house with me, my mom, and step-dad, we've been spending a lot of time together. As we both, basically, live in a single 8'x11'ish room we don't really have much of a chance to be independent. Don't get me wrong, I love to spend time with Keith, however, I've always hated couples that "must" eat at the same time or go to bed at the exact same time. Based on our situation, though, we don't have much of a choice. If one of us stays up later, we chance waking up whoever is sleeping. I love love love living with my love, I just wish we had more time and space to be independent. With the weather as hot as it is in the Louisiana summer, we can't even really go outside and enjoy our time there.

I haven't been reading or writing or filming videos (most because I need more space to film) or even keeping up very well with this blog. I find it all very frustrating. 

This is a very long-winded way of saying... I'm ready to have our own place!

(Also, the photo is a beautiful little stream/river in Germany that was close to my home-stay family's house! I mostly just picked that one to show off how pretty it was!)

How do you maintain your sense of independence while living in close proximity to others?

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