08 October, 2014

Rae Goes Away: Packing for NOLA

When this post goes up I'll be in the car on my way to #NOLA (New Orleans, Louisiana) for the Katy Perry concert! Sadly, we'll only be staying in my self-appointed second home for one night, but I'm super excited to go. As I was packing for the trip I found it looked like I was moving to NOLA permanently! So I grabbed my smaller over-night vintage suitcase and started downsizing.

Here are a few little tips I learned along the way:
  1. 2 for 1. Since our trip is going to be two days of traveling, I wanted something comfortable both days, so I decided to make two outfits using the same pair of leggings. This saves space in my luggage since I'll be wearing  the leggings and boots on the way.
  2. Make a List. This is the simplest trick that everyone suggests but I'm so the worst at it! I ended up actually outlining each outfit (3 in all) and seeing what pieces I could cross over. This is a different approach to packing for me and it really worked.
  3. Smaller Suitcases Win. When I was trying to pack my big carry all suitcase for this trip, I packed about 6 completely different outfits and two variations FOR ONE NIGHT! I felt like I needed to fill up the bag despite the fact that I don't need much for the night.
  4. Plan for Travel. I initially started by putting my bag together with the clothes I wanted to wear on the car ride down. Then I realized how dumb that was, pulled everything out and reassessed. I knew we'd be leaving early so I wanted to have my outfit picked out, so I set it on top of my suitcase with hair accessories and all ready for a quick, speedy morning.

Packing List:
2 Concert Dresses
Fast Flats
Make up/Toiletry Bag
2 Tunic Tanks
Extra Tunic
Hair Accessories
Night Gown
Slip-on Shoes

How do you pack for overnight trips?

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