11 July, 2014

Friday Apology

Hey guys. This week has been pretty insane, so I don't have an original post so... here's things from recently!

This video is by Emily Diana Ruth (Emilyofnewgloom) on Youtube. It was her film school thesis and it is absolutely beautiful

Guys, guys, guys. These Dark Chocolate Covered Macadamia Nuts are the best little office sweet treat in the world! I found them at World Market for $4. This may be my 3rd back in two weeks. SO DELICIOUS! 

Lastly, I've taken up origami, sort of. Very simply little things, but I really wanted something interesting to do with my hands when I'm out and about. So far I'm only working on Cranes and Rabbits, but I'm proud of them.

How has your week been? What are some things that you'd like to share about your week?


  1. I spy Penumbra in the background. ;) Those macadamia nuts sound pretty tasty. I've always wanted to try my hand at origami. It seems like a fun hobby.

    1. Indeed! Penumbra seems to follow me everywhere! And, Origami is fun. I enjoy having something to do, but I also get extremely frustrated at it at times. XD
      Hope your reading is going well! Are you enjoying the book?
